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The Neccessary Transitions of Life

Its a beautiful day today here in Buies Creek, and not just because of the weather either. Today begins the weekend that is one of the most celebrated on any campus in the world...graduation. There are multiple ceremonies taking place on our campuses (both main campus, and in Raleigh for the Law School). Tonight, I will watch as many dear friends are hooded in acknowledging their completion of their time at Divinity School here at Campbell. I then will be traveling to Grenville, NC to enjoy the graduation ceremony of Lindsay, and her completion of her time at  East Carolina University.
The events surrounding these graduations, as well as the ones currently going on in my own life, have me thinking a lot about transitions. Transitions in our lives are never easy. With them often comes changes in our routines, our relationships, or our environment. The changes become difficult because we become accustomed to the way things are for us in the present. We feel safe and structured where we are, and any deviation away from that makes us uncomfortable, maybe even at times downright terrified.
Yet, as difficult as times of transitions are in our lives, they are a necessary component of our development, both physically and spiritually. One cannot hope to go on to earn a desired Master's degree without first going through the process of earning a Bachelor's degree. One cannot hope to earn a full provisional driver's license without first enduring the year of driving with a learner's permit (and a parent nagging you about your abilities as a driver). To be able to start your own family, you have to first leave your home, and then be joined together with your spouse, who also is leaving behind their family, to be able to start a new life together. Transitions are necessary aspects of our lives.
When I think of individuals who underwent significant transitions in the Bible, I think of the first disciples who were called by Jesus to follow him. In Matthew 4:18-22, we see Peter and his brother Andrew leaving their nets to follow Jesus. The nets represent their livelihood, their career, their source of assured provision for themselves, yet they willingly left them behind and transitioned into following Jesus to "fish for people" (4:19). Then two other brothers, James and John, sons of Zebedee, were out working with their father, when upon hearing Jesus call them, Matthew tells us that they left both the boat and their father behind to follow him. Not just their work, but even their own father, for the sake of making that transition into becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.
We know from the rest of the Gospel texts, and other historical writings that these disciples would undergo various transitions and difficult decisions for the sake of following Christ. Yet without those difficult and necessary transitions, the gospel of Jesus Christ may not have continued to spread out from these first twelve men. It was because they went through these changes that they were in a position to do what God had called them to do.
Likewise, transitions are necessary for our lives today, so that we can continue to grow and be placed in positions to serve God in the way that he has called each of us to serve. It may be a new career, a new hobby, a new location, or even a new relationship, yet all of these changes and transitions in our lives are gifts from God. Abraham Lincoln was once recorded as saying, "The great thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." We know that as each new day comes, we do not have to face it alone, for we are told to "Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9). Best of luck to all those graduating this weekend, and to all of you as you face the necessary transitions in your lives.


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