If you were to ask any college student to name one of the three biggest concerns they have regarding their time in college and what comes next, undoubtedly one of those three would deal with their purpose, meaning, or calling in life. It is something that all teenagers and college students struggle with, and it is something that I think adults continue to wrestle with throughout their professional careers.
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE? That is the ultimate question that we all want to answer because we inherently want our lives to have value and meaning. We want the time that we spend walking the earth to be of worth not only to us and those we love, but as followers of Christ, we want our lives to have meaning to God and for God.
I think one of the first things that must be done in creating one's purpose statement is to realize that yes you may have one calling or purpose, but understand that calling can have various roles that can change over time. Too often we attribute a job title or profession as our calling but neglect the greater purpose for which that particular position allows us to fulfill. For example, I recently read of a woman whose self-identified purpose statement is to "create environments where life transformation can take place." So certainly this purpose statement is fulfilled in her work as a church small group leader, but it also can be fulfilled in the way that she leads her family, her interactions with other people on a daily basis, and the planning and preparation for all that she does with her life.
The key to crafting a sound purpose statement for your life is to not tie it to one particular job or position. If we tie it so closely to that one thing, and we happen to loose that position or role, then we again struggle with our identity or purpose. Instead, begin this process by seeking to recongize the gifts God has given each of you, and work to develop our purpose statements out of those gifts. Then seek to implement this purpose in every relationship, connection, or place of service that you are a part of. Doing this will bring a higher purpose to all of the work you do in your life, whether you receive a paycheck for it or not.We also should remember our greatest "job title" is that of being a child of God, and with that comes the expectation to love God and to love people. I believe that if we will keep these ideas at the forefront of our minds, we will find much more fulfillment and contenment in our lives.
So try rewriting your own purpose statement, or maybe write one for the first time. But with this version, remember to not tie yourself to the identity of a specific job title or role, but to the identify as a gifted and set apart child of God, remembering that he is faithful to direct your path.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE? That is the ultimate question that we all want to answer because we inherently want our lives to have value and meaning. We want the time that we spend walking the earth to be of worth not only to us and those we love, but as followers of Christ, we want our lives to have meaning to God and for God.
I think one of the first things that must be done in creating one's purpose statement is to realize that yes you may have one calling or purpose, but understand that calling can have various roles that can change over time. Too often we attribute a job title or profession as our calling but neglect the greater purpose for which that particular position allows us to fulfill. For example, I recently read of a woman whose self-identified purpose statement is to "create environments where life transformation can take place." So certainly this purpose statement is fulfilled in her work as a church small group leader, but it also can be fulfilled in the way that she leads her family, her interactions with other people on a daily basis, and the planning and preparation for all that she does with her life.
The key to crafting a sound purpose statement for your life is to not tie it to one particular job or position. If we tie it so closely to that one thing, and we happen to loose that position or role, then we again struggle with our identity or purpose. Instead, begin this process by seeking to recongize the gifts God has given each of you, and work to develop our purpose statements out of those gifts. Then seek to implement this purpose in every relationship, connection, or place of service that you are a part of. Doing this will bring a higher purpose to all of the work you do in your life, whether you receive a paycheck for it or not.We also should remember our greatest "job title" is that of being a child of God, and with that comes the expectation to love God and to love people. I believe that if we will keep these ideas at the forefront of our minds, we will find much more fulfillment and contenment in our lives.
So try rewriting your own purpose statement, or maybe write one for the first time. But with this version, remember to not tie yourself to the identity of a specific job title or role, but to the identify as a gifted and set apart child of God, remembering that he is faithful to direct your path.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
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